
買付 世界の“おいしさ”を食卓へ


ペルー北部のパイタにある子会社Sakana del Peru S.A.(SAPESA社)を通じて、マルアナゴ・アメリカオオアカイカなどの安定供給を確立しています。本社から2名の駐在員が常駐し、経営管理・操業管理・品質管理を徹底しています。SAPESA社は、HACCPに基づいたEUの衛生基準を満たしており、食品の安心・安全にも配慮しています。

Operation in Peru

We have established a stable supply of conger eels and giant squid,through Sakana del Peru S.A. (SAPESA), our subsidiary located in Paita, Northern Peru. Two managers from headquarters are permanently assigned to Peru, thoroughly controlling all aspects of management, operations and quality. SAPESA meets all EU hygiene standards based on HACCP, in order to be able to guarantee the security and safety of the food.


Sakana del Peru S.A. マルアナゴ加工ライン
Processing line for conger eel in Sakana del Peru S.A.


Conger eel

TAFCO is a pioneer in the conger eel operation since 1991. We catch conger eels using our own boats and discharge them alive, and carefully produce butterfly cut products under very strict quality standards. The products of SAPESA have maintained a leading Japanese market share ever since its foundation. Focusing on global markets, we are now strengthening sales to South Korea and to other countries.


Sakana del Peru S.A.
Processing line for giant squid in Sakana del Peru S.A.


Giant squid

Giant squid is also a main product of TAFCO. There is a stable supply available, and various parts of the squid such as fillets, tentacles and wings are sold not only in Japan but also on the global market including China, Thailand and Spain. SAPESA adheres to very strict standards in terms of material purchasing and processing, resulting in its products consistently receiving high levels of evaluation from customers seeking high-quality products.


Slice fillet of Tooth fish marinated in Miso


Frozen fish products

We sell alfonsino, toothfish, Greenland halibut, boarfish and black cardinal fish, etc., which are caught by TAFCO owned vessels, in addition to affiliated overseas and Japanese vessels. Using these raw materials, we produce sliced portion and its marinades at our Japanese group processing company Akatsuki Gyorui Co., Ltd., and bone-removed fillets at cooperative processing companies overseas. Sales are conducted at various different outlets such as co-op stores and mass retailers.
