金目鯛の切身、金目鯛の煮付け Sliced portions, Cooked portions with soy sauce broth
冷凍食材 Frozen foods
にんじん、いんげん、青豆、里芋、 たけのこ、カボチャ、しいたけ等の野菜類 Vegetables such as carrots, kidney beans, green peas, taros, bamboo shoots, pumpkins and shiitake魚の揚げ物類 Fried fishes
マルズワイガニ Deep-sea red crab
カニ缶 Canned crab meatカニ爪 Crab claw
マルアナゴ Conger eel
マルアナゴ料理各種 (蒲焼き丼、天ぷら、寿司) Conger eel dishes (Kabayaki grilled eel rice bowl, tempura and sushi)